Monday, November 30, 2009

Mean things

I'm sure this blog is supposed to be happy most of the time, but right now I just had to blog about mean things people say. Why must people say mean things? Is it because of their own weaknesses? insecurities? Is it because they want to be funny? even at the cost of those around them? I was thinking about my day today and realized that it was pretty horrible because I had to hear so many people say mean things. Some weren't really mean, but some were terribly mean. Some words were exchanged between students and some were exchanged between adults. Why..why mujst they say mean things? And then after they say mean things, they continue to say meaner things? Even the apology sounds mean. I hate mean people. I hate mean words. I hate how it makes others feel. I hate how it makes me feel. I hope I can continue to fill my life with people that are positive and use positive words.

1 comment:

  1. Thought provoking post. I am definitely trying to watch my mean-o-meter because of a situation I'm in. I think mean things are said when insecurity arises. Sorry for the passive voice in that last sentence.
