Sunday, November 1, 2009


WOW! So here it #3. Tiffany and Chris came over tonight and she gave me the Blogging 101 class. Let's just hope that I can keep up with this thing. Thanks again Tiff. So good!

During the past few months, I have enjoyed reading blogs about other families and friends. The topics varied from what to do on long summer days, who passed the bar this week, house decorating ideas, recipes and much, much more. I always thought, "How the heck does anyone have time to do this?" Chelsey has triplets and even she has TWO blogs. Anyways, I knew with a little help, I might be able to do some blogging and I thought it would be a great way to record some of the crazy day-to-day things that happen in my life. I used to love writing in my journal, but since I got married, I usually write to vent about my frustrations as a wife, mother, teacher, etc.. You get the idea right? So, I have promised Tyrone that I will focus on the positive and share the blessings that one might receive or the lessons one might learn, when they're TRYING to do what's right..but at times fall short. So...Welcome to the Brown Girl's Blog!


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you posted on your own! Can't wait for future blog entries.

  2. AHHH!!! I love the Brown Girl's Blog!! You're being added to my blog as I type!!!

  3. girl, you kill me. lol

    If you will notice, I blog on average, like once a month. Truly nothing.

    Glad I found your 'new' blog! yay! :)


  4. Girl.. I'm so glad I'm not the only durh one when it comes to blog, but how come your blog is all decked out and mine is still very plain! I need Tiff to help me too...tell her I need to schedule my appointment...LOL I'm so serious...I can come over and she show me at your place (do you like my inviting myself?) LOL
